Shamanic Healing: Experience Relief and Deep Transformation

Shamanic Healing is not voodoo, but works on an energetic and spiritual level to alleviate the root cause of issues in your life. Shamanism and many traditional cultures believe that all illness and discomfort can be found in an energetic and/or spiritual root.

I believe that this is an important way to bring healing to all the dimensions of human life.

The Dimensions of Healing


What ever affects us, positive or negative, affects us on all these levels simultaneously.  In order to completely heal an issue, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual, healing must occur on as many, if not all of these levels. 

Shamanic practitioners believe that most physical symptoms are the body’s way to try to get our attention after ignoring other symptoms. Through shamanic healing, we can work on the energetic levels of your body to help alleviate the core and root of issues, that can create physical illness and/or emotional trauma. This is a different, more holistic approach than just trying to relieve physical and/or emotional symptoms often taken by traditional medicine or counseling.

A highly effective deep level of healing emotional trauma includes life coaching, but also focuses on healing on deeper levels through shamanic healing, and soul retrieval.   

Types of Shamanic Healing

Soul Retrieval: Restoration of a portion of your life force, which has been stuck at the point in time when a trauma (emotional and/or physical) happened in your life. Learn more about Soul Retrieval

Power Retrieval: Shamanic healing techniques to restore energetic power that you may have lost in a situation, or to another person.

Cord Removal: Removal of negative energetic connections with another person, place, or object.

Integration of Reiki with Shamanic Healing. Reiki can, and often is combined with other healing techniques during the healing process itself.

I am a certified Shamanic Practitioner.  Contact me to learn more.