Find More Peace
Do you feel anxious? Do you have racing thoughts?
Do the same patterns keep happening over and over in your life? Relationships not working out?
Are you ready to transform your life, by addressing root causes, and move more quickly than traditional therapy?
Would you like to create the inner freedom in your life that will allow you to create the life you desire, and live from your heart?
From Gary Chatham, MA in Counseling:
Have you ever had one of those life lessons that keeps repeating? Like the old Indigo Girls song Galielo says, “How long ‘till I get it right?”
You know the lesson I’m talking about.
Maybe that lesson keeps you stuck in dead end relationships. Maybe it causes you to live life in anxiety and fear, so you’re continually exhausted. Maybe it’s what causes you to settle for less than what you really want or deserve. Or maybe it holds you back because of doubt or worry, so you end up watching life pass you by.
Yeah, that one.
Maybe, you’ve invested A LOT of time and money in dealing with that one lesson. Therapy, coaching, personal development programs, YouTube videos – you get the idea.
So why are you still dealing with that one lesson? And, more importantly, is there a way to finally move on and live the life you desire to live? I have dealt with these kinds of lessons myself, and I am also trained to help others.

Inner Peace Helps you Change your Life
Find your pathway to peace. Creating more inner peace helps you to feel hopeful again. You can feel joy again! You can be happy! You can find peace!

Wellness for Body, Mind, Spirit
Wellness for your complete being: mind, body, and spirit, is an essential part of creating the life you desire. We explore holistic health, and mind/body/spirit techniques to heal trauma and create greater well-being through health coaching and groups and training.

Heal Emotional Trauma
The effects of emotional trauma, especially events that occurred for a long period of time, can adversely affect every area of our lives. Our relationships, work, physical and emotional health, and spiritual life can all improve when we find healing from emotional trauma. Contact me to start creating healing and peace in your life!
Clear the Hidden Factors Contributing to Autoimmune Disease
Struggling to heal? You are not alone.
- Are you struggling with an autoimmune disease?
- Are you following your doctor’s recommendations, but you still have symptoms?
Many of us with autoimmune diseases find that they aren’t simple to manage; they come with lots of additional challenges; and they need a multi-faceted approach.
Chances are you aren’t aware of other techniques that may help. Gary will share scientific proof of how underlying stress, emotional issues, hidden trauma, and unresolved pain can be making your autoimmune disease more resistant to healing, then techniques you can use to enhance your wellbeing by reducing these emotional components.
This free webinar will increase your insight into your autoimmune condition; provide examples of how to release this stress; and explain how you can find support you while you go through the process. Pre-REGISTER now.
All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician. Gary Chatham does not diagnose illness, prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals. No claims are made as to the effectiveness of any remedy, technique, or therapy described in this site. Some links on this site may contain affiliate links.